Akhir-akhir ini suka banget ngeliatin langit, motoin, terus 'ngomong' sama langit. Aneh emang. Kadang ditanyain, kenapa motoin langit? Well, beginilah penganut 'we're definitely under the same sky' :3
Obrolannya? Oh, simpel saja. Lagi ngapain di sana oppar? :) Lagi sibuk? Atau lagi istirahat? Yang penting jaga kesehatan yah. Kalian kenapa-kenapa, aku ikutan sedih lho. Btw, aku di sini baik-baik aja:) Dan, oh, pastinya akan selalu semangat karena kalian:)
Well, I'm one of the delusional fangirls, fufufu~~
Whenever you miss someone, look at the sky. Although you might not see the person there, but feel happy that you both are under the same sky.
--Miss A, Min.
Everyday everywhere, we're definitely under the same sky.
--SHINee, Always Love.
picts taken and edited by me